[转][Cited]How do I create a C – shared library with MATLAB Compiler 3.0 which can be used in other projects?

使用 MATLAB Compiler 3.0 创建C共享库用于其他工程项目

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How do I create a C – shared library with MATLAB Compiler 3.0 which can be used in other projects?



How do I create a C – shared library with MATLAB Compiler 3.0 which can be used in other projects?

Problem Description:

I am using MATLAB Compiler 3.0 or earlier and am interested in creating a C-shared library for use in an IDE such as Microsoft Visual Studio 6.
I would like to create a shared library.
I would like to hand initialize code without invoking the main( ) in my MSVC (or other IDE) project.
I would like to generate the C-files that do not contain the main( ) function.
The objective is to convert the MATLAB file to a C file to be used with MSVC (or other IDE) projects.


To see full text please refer to the original version.

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